World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers

(ICPSR 6516 and 8532)

This web page provides an interface to data on military spending and arms transfers for developed and developing countries of the world. Two overlapping time spans are provided by the codebooks for: 1983-1993 from ICPSR 6516 (pdf), and 1973-1983 in ICPSR 8532 (text).

Part I:

This part of the interface provides data from Tables I and II in the codebooks ICPSR 8532 covering 1973-1983, and ICPSR 6516 which covers 1983-1993.

Full descriptions of the data sets and variables are available online in the codebooks

Select a Country or Region


Military Expenditures, Armed Forces, GNP, Central Government Expenditures, and Population, By Region, Organization, and Country

Military Expenditures - Current
Military Expenditures - Constant Dollars
Armed Forces
Gross National Product - Current
Gross National Product - Constant Dollars
Central Government Expenditures - Constant Dollars
ME Per Capita
Armed Forces per 1000 People
GNP Per Capita


Arms Transfer Deliveries and Total Trade, By Region, Organization, and Country

Arms Imports(a) - Current
Arms Imports(a) - Constant Dollars
Arms Exports{a} - Current
Arms Exports(a) - Constant Dollars
Total Imports(b) - Current
Total Imports(b) - Constant Dollars
Total Exports(b) - Current
Total Exports(b) - Constant Dollars
Arms Imports / Total Imports
Arms Exports / Total Exports

Date Range: Beginning year: Ending Year:

Output Format:

Part II:

Data from Table IV of ICPSR 6516 covering 1983-1993 is available through this interface.

A Full description of the data and the variables is available in the appropriate codebooks

Select a Country or Region


Arms Transfer Deliveries and Agreements, By Supplier and Recipient Region

Supplier - World(a)
Supplier - United States
Supplier - United Kingdom
Supplier - Russia/Soviet Union (b)
Supplier - Germany
Supplier - France
Supplier - China
Supplier - Canada
Supplier - Italy
Supplier - Other Western Europe
Supplier - Other Eastern Europe
Supplier - Other East Asia
Supplier - Others

Beginning year: Ending Year:

Output Format:

Benjamin Law - University of Toronto Data Library Services
May, 2000